
Jimi Hendrix and other rock stars used feedback on stage in their performances. They also got instant feedback from their fans in the audience responding to the music. Actors and other performing artists get feedback from the audience. For other artists, like painters or sculptors, creating their art is often a more solitary endeavor. But all artists want to know that they are reaching their audience. The performing artist on stage may make nuanced changes to the performance that are suited to the audience of the moment. The painter may not know how people respond to a painting until the finished work is on display at a gallery show opening. It’s too late at that point to make any changes that might communicate the message more effectively. After spending hours on a piece of artwork, I am sometimes too close to the piece to see that a particular part is not working. I recently enlisted a few people to be board members of my sounding board. They have given me valuable feedback that helped me improve my latest digital painting. So thank you to anyone who gives me feedback on my artwork, and you can bet that other artists on Fine Art America would appreciate it too.

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