The solstice is not far away, so soon we will have longer days to bask in our star’s light. I’m certainly looking forward to that since I tend to get the winter blues. I haven’t recovered from the election disaster, but I am glad to see so many millions of others are continuing to speak out. My parents suffered under the Nazi occupation of Holland in World War II. Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system with enforced allegiance to a dictator, and often including racism justified by labeling one group as being responsible for problems in the nation. Hitler vowed to make Germany great again. Trump is a fascist in every sense of the word. “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke. Please don’t underestimate the danger posed by Trump to our country and our planet. “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” (quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson and others) We must actively oppose this fascist, Drumpf – that’s his true German family name before it was changed to Trump. White supremacists love Hitler and Trump. The official newspaper of the KKK endorsed Trump in October 2016. Please don’t stick your head in the sand. Look at his cabinet picks. This is not just another Republican president, he is a wannabe dictator, and it is up to us to stop him.
Yours in solidarity,