
He's So Far Away

Memorial Day

For Memorial Day and in honor of our military, I am posting my only military related artwork. It’s called “He’s […]

Flash Frozen Flower

Spring has arrived

George Harrison said “Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter”. Now spring has arrived and here comes the

By the Stream in Wonderland


I am a big fan of the Alice in Wonderland books. Often in working on my art, I feel like

Gsrden Buddha


Without quite intending it, 2 of my recent additions to the gallery have to do with religion. “Garden Buddha” has


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody!! I hope your winter holidays went well. I was glad for the solstice and very much

hopping madHouse

hopping madHouse

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End of the World

In case you haven’t heard, the end of the world is today. This info was brought to us by a


face dancing !!

It’s finally here: face dancing !! It is on my ShivaFooL YouTube channel and also on the Just For Fun


Secret Garden Paint Dance

Hello world. I’ve added an artwork to the gallery titled “Secret Garden Paint Dance”. A serendipitous snapshot of Mother Nature’s



I just uploaded this one to the gallery from about 18 years ago called Magic. It was an oversight on

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