End of the World

In case you haven’t heard, the end of the world is today. This info was brought to us by a renowned Christian blogger, David Meade. Well but yesterday reports are that he has updated his prediction. Today is the beginning of the end: the start of a series of major disasters over several weeks that will end life as we know it. So we have a little time. But why wait? I encourage all of you to party like it’s 1999. I’ve come to enjoy the world ending: Y2K, 2012, whatever. I haven’t partied hardy every time, or any of the times really. I’m not sure how much it matters. One way or another our time here is limited for each and every one of us. We have all heard that we should appreciate every day, and in the back of our minds we know that’s true, but we still get caught up in our day to day lives. We fret over things that really aren’t that important. We forget to appreciate the amazing gifts in our lives and the heart sustaining love of family and friends. With the daily barrage of bad news, it is not hard to see how ugliness can eclipse our view of the good in our lives. It’s the end of the world, and there is no better time to celebrate the incredible wonder and beauty of life on Earth. So let’s raise our glasses in celebration and make a toast to the end of the world. Thank you, Mother Earth, it’s been a wonderful party!

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