hopping madHouse

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Hi people, I hope your autumn is falling nicely, and let me wish you all a jolly All Hallows’ Eve in advance. But that’s not the reason for this post, which is announcing the addition of my game, “hopping madHouse” to the Just for Fun page of the website here. My art involves exploring. Some years back I went from still images to video and then on to making games, since I wanted to explore possibilities of making something more interactive. Artists want to engage the viewer, and having the audience be participants takes that to another level. I used the Unity 3d game making platform which is powerful yet user friendly. The best thing to come out of that multiyear journey for me was “hopping madHouse”. It is a simple game, but visually interesting and a fun little sojourn into the ShivaFooL universe. After making that game, I spent 4 years making a more ambitious game, but sadly that did not turn out to be a very good game. My brain got vigorous exercise doing the coding (programming) during those years I was working on games, so that is some consolation for spending so much time on that more ambitious game. I decided to add “hopping madHouse” to this website to save it from oblivion. In the past Unity 3d games were played with a web browser plug-in, but now browsers are moving away from plug-ins and the Unity 3d plug-in is no longer being supported. To rescue “hopping madHouse” I had to go back to work in Unity 3d and produce the game in the form that the latest browsers support. So my brain got a couple of more months of vigorous exercise in that process. If you have 5 minutes, try it out and you may well have some fun being driven a bit mad.


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