Social media

Or is it anti-social media? A lot has been written about the effects of so called social media, like “how social is it when everyone at the table is looking at their phone instead of each other?” And what have emojis and tweets done to our ability to write anything long form like an old fashioned snail mail letter? When was the last time you received an actual letter? Yet artists and businesses of all sorts are always advised to make sure to have an active presence on social media. If I am on facebook with a billion other people, does that help people find my artwork? As you may have gathered, I have my doubts. I am inactivating a facebook account which I had set up in association with a different website. I sincerely believe that the ripples in the internet ocean caused by this action will be imperceptible, even to the NSA. I will establish a facebook account associated with this website, and I expect that the impact that this will have will be of the same magnitude. Yet it is my birthright as a human to perform meaningless actions with the full force of my intentions. Onward through the fog, my friends…

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