Very occasionally I have a good idea. One of those was my Sounding Board which has mainly been 4 people: Gina Stevensen, Jamie Goyer, Quinn Rol, and Jamin Rol. (btw you can see these wonderful folks in the Face Dancing video on the Just For Fun page.) When I feel like I am done with a picture, I pass it on to my Sounding Board for comment. The comments may be like, dislike, or pointing out part of the picture that doesn’t work for them. There have been many many times that their comments have helped me improve a picture that I thought was finished. When I am working on a picture I can be too close to it to see parts that don’t work, but the discerning eyes of my Board members pick it up and show me. I have thanked them all before, but here is a public Thank You for their years of support.
(The picture I am using for this post is My Other Condo Is Simply Dreamy which is a relatively recent one. )